Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I perfer Barrack Obama because he believes that we should increase spending on education. He believe we should spend more on young education because they are our furture .

Friday, October 17, 2008

The U.S Branches of Government

*The Branches of the US Government are Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The Executive Branch enforces the law of the land. The president is at the top of this branch. Next is the Legislative branches which has the wright to make laws for the nation. It has congress (House of Representatives) and senate it is brocken into these 2 groups.Before a law is passed it musted be approved by the House of Reps.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Im good

Yo wat up this your boy sports king I know everything their is 2 know about sports.My favorite teams r the Mets,Saints and Celtics. Dont go 2 Kevokillas page he has a big head.